Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ten reasons you should consider touring Japan by motorcycle

copyright japanesecustomer.com 2005 All rights reserved

Picture: Gear for riding in Japan

Ten reasons to tour Japan by motorcycle

1. It is one of the most isolated and least known countries on earth - language, culture, food and  lifestyle

2. It is highly sophisticated - technology, systems, organization, planning and team work

3. Japan is the home of the modern motorcycle - Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki

4. Japan is the third largest economy in the world with a population of 128 million people

5. Japan is the most advanced Asian country

6. The food - Japan has a wide range of foods to try that will get your mouth watering & have you coming back for seconds

7. It is more affordable than you think! - New discount airlines fly to Japan allowing access cheaper than ever before. For example: Melbourne, Australia to Tokyo for less than US$300 one way

8. Historical sights you can't imagine - Temples, Shrines, architecture, Castles, battlefields, etc

9. A range of technology that will blow your mind - appliances, gadgets, public facilities, bullet train, engineering, etc

10.The customer service, convenience and attention to detail will change your thinking for the better!

Anyway, you look at it Japan has something for all riders to enjoy. The modern cities and bright lights to the quiet stillness of a country road. Japan will amaze you no doubt!

Copyright  2012.

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